Month: November 2019

What To Do When Involved In An Accident

Accidents are prone to happen and in most cases, it is very hard to prevent an accident from happening. There are major steps that both the passengers and drive ought to follow immediately after the accident.

What exactly are the vital steps that one should follow immediately after the accident?

Step One Be Calm.
I know this can be quite a task especially after being involved in an accident. Not forgetting the trouble you will have to go through before you can settle the claim with your insurance company. Car accidents can be nasty and painful. People will tend to scream, shout and even some instances fight. But one thing that I have learned being calm and collected especially after an accident can be quite helpful.

When you’re calm you’ll be able to observe the finer details of the accident and establish whose fault it is and as well as the right details of the account so you can notify your Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyers. Ensure that all your communication goes through your insurance company to avoid any further stress from the aftermath of the accident.

Immediately After Settling On Accident Choose A Good Claim Method.
After you settle your scores with the person you are involved in an accident with, it is important to choose your claim method. Their various methods you can use to submit your claim. These methods include Total Loss Claim, Not at Fault Claims and At fault Claim. All these methods of submitting your claim will occur accordingly.

For instance, Total Loss claims this comes in handy if your vehicle is damaged beyond repair then you are supposed to ask your insurance company to cover your total loss. The other one is At Fault Claims. This requires the other driver’s insurance to pay your insurance for the cost they incurred to fix your vehicle. The last one is Not at Fault Claims. This helps you to save money you would have used to repair your car instead your insurance company will pay for your car repairing fee.

The third Step Take Pictures And Memorize Details Of The Accident.
Having photographic evidence is quite a key component of your evidence. Pictures can be provided to any insurance company that needs any clarification and also you being able to remember every detail of the accident will be very helpful and crucial for you to get the compensation that you deserve.

The Fourth Step Be Mindful Of Your Words.
It doesn’t have to be your fault the accident happened. Apologize to the other driver and ask whether they are fine before you can proceed. Admit it if you think it is your fault to be able to solve the issue quickly.

Tips For Getting The Most Money For Your Personal Injury Accident

When you are injured in an accident, the hours, days and weeks after the accident are the most challenging. Not only do you have a deal with the pain and injuries that were caused by the accident, but you also have to deal with other factors such as loss of income, medical expenses, etc. However, as the victim of a car accident, you have the legal right to file a claim against the party that was negligent. You will also have a better opportunity to get more compensation for your claim if you follow these tips.

Call 911

You should call 911 immediately after you have been involved in a car accident. After you have been seen by a physician in the ER, you should also make a follow-up appointment with your regular physician.

Consult With A Personal Injury Lawyer

After you have been in a car accident where someone else was at fault, expect the insurance company of the negligent party to contact you for a statement. Avoid speaking with the insurance company at all costs. Tell the insurance adjuster that you will have your attorney get in touch with them. You can say that even if you have not yet hired an attorney.

Once you have had a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer, they will look over your claim and give you an estimate of the amount of money you can expect to receive in compensation. Keep in mind that every case is different, and the exact amount may be more or less than the lawyer initially quoted.

See Your Physician

As mentioned, you should make an appointment with your regular doctor as quickly as you can after the accident. During the exam, be sure to mention every pain or ache you have even if you think it is not directly related to the accident.

The lawyer will use your medical records to help build a case against the insurance company. The medical records will prove that the injuries you have sustained are the result of the accident. In addition, any treatments or prescriptions given to you by the doctor will also be included in the medical records. The records will serve as written proof that your injuries are the result of the negligent party.

Go To Your Appointments

Never miss or skip any of your doctor and/or therapy appointments. If you need additional appointments, make those appointments before you leave.

You will likely need therapy or chiropractic appointments at least twice a week for several months. Be sure to go to the doctor at least once a month even if you do not have an appointment.

If you need surgery, your injury claim is automatically more valuable. Also, if you are well enough to work, work as many hours as you can. Should your case go to trial, the judge and/or the jury will look more favorably towards your case if you show that you are independent and still willing to work.

What Do You Do When You Sustain A Work-Related Injury And You’re Not Offered Paid Leave And Additional Compensation?

Accidents happen on the job, and when they do, employers are supposed to take care of their employees. That’s the baseline judgment, but there are all kinds of factors involved. Was the employee at fault? What other circumstances surrounded the accident? Is the employer financially ready and morally ready to take responsibility? What happens if the accident is due to employer negligence or the negligence of another employee?

You have all kinds of questions to be sure, and that’s why you need a personal injury attorney. What happens if you are injured in an accident, and you don’t receive paid leave? In some circumstances, paid leave is only part of the equation. What about mounting medical bills? Employers have to accept responsibility for work-related injuries, and lawyers are standing by that will help them realize their obligations.

You don’t have to handle this fight by yourself. In fact, it shouldn’t even be a fight, right? Regardless, you wouldn’t bring a knife to a gunfight, so don’t enter this type of legal battle without a worker’s compensation attorney. These lawyers are experienced in dealing with these types of situations, and they know what to do when you’re in this kind of jam.

You need money to pay medical bills, and you want to be sure you can make up for lost wages. Especially in the case of negligence, you want to be sure you have representation. You might think that your employer and the insurance company are going to take care of you, but are you entitled to more? Do you need more?

A percentage of the settlement will go to the lawyer, so there is nothing you have to pay out of pocket to get the legal representation you need. An attorney simply takes over so that you have a legal professional fighting for you to help you win a bigger settlement. It’s about you getting the money you need so that you can decide your next move.

You want to get better and go back to work. You never asked for this in the first place. You have been the unfortunate victim of a work-related accident. Worker’s compensation lawyers are standing by to take your case. If you didn’t get paid leave, and you’re swimming in medical bills, let them take over and show your employer how it’s done. You don’t hang your employees out to dry, bottom line.